Volume I: Satan and the Angels
This volume of the book deals with the status and power of Satan. Has he already been kicked out of heaven? Is he a toothless, defeated foe? According to the Bible, the answer to these questions is, "No." This volume also deals with the angels of God by comparison; how does Satan compare to their statue and power? The following is a list of the chapters in this volume and, after that, a summary of each chapter is given. Book length: 200 pages.
List of Charts
Abbreviations and Translations
Chapter 1: Definitions
I. Definition of "demon"
II. Synonyms of "demon"
III. Origin of demons
A. The dead human theory
B. The pre-adamic race theory
C. The half-angel, half-human theory
D. The fallen angels theory
IV. Definition of the "flesh"
Chapter 2: The Angelic Hierarchy: Putting Satan in Perspective
I. The Angelic Hierarchy
A. The Seraphim
B. The Cherubim
C. The Archangels
D. The Mighty Angels
E. The Lightning Angels
F. The Regular Angels
II. The Angelic Positions or Roles
A. Seven angels who stand before God
B. Guardian angels
C. The communicating or ministering angels
D. Angels of judgment or destruction
Concluding Remarks and Comments
Chapter 3: Satan: His Position, Power, and Progressive Downfall
I. Isaiah 14
II. Ezekiel 28
III. Satan in heaven
A. Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7
B. 1 Kings 22:19-23
C. Isaiah 24:21-22
D. Revelation 12:7-12
IV. Satan's progressive defeat
A. Decrees
B. Executions
V. Satan's present position and power
A. He is still a "god"
B. He is still a "prince"
C. He is still an "authority"
D. He is still a "dominion"
E. He is still a "world-ruler"
F. He is still a "power"
VI. Satan's status at the close of the age
A. Revelation 9:1-11
B. Revelation 9:13-19
C. Revelation 13
D. Revelation 16:13-14
VII. Remaining questions
A. Have not the fallen angels already been bound up in hades?
B. Does Satan have any power towards the church?
C. Does the church have any power towards Satan?
Chapter 4: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28: Are They Applicable to Satan?
I. Other Examples of Unspecified Applications
II. Isaiah 14
III. Ezekiel 28
IV. Other Examples of Lofty Language Used Elsewhere in Scripture
Chapter 1: Definitions
This book begins with a definition of the basic terminology used within it. The Greek New Testament terms for
"demon" are listed and defined. This is followed by a discussion of the origin of demons since this greatly
influences their definition. Then a list of the modern English synonyms for "demon" is presented because this will
bring the etherial down to everyday experience. And, because they are often confused, a definition of a related term,
the "flesh" (the unregenerated nature of man), is included. (26 pages)
Chapter 2: The Angelic Hierarchy: Putting Satan in Perspective
No serious study of demonology can be complete without first
establishing a Biblical view of Satan himself. But before this can
be done, an attempt must be made to keep this matter in perspective
so that Satan does not loom too big before our eyes, nor too wimpy
either. This is done by presenting an overview of the greatness of
God's angels. Those that are studied are: the seraphim, the
cherubim, the archangels, the mighty angels, the lighting angels,
and the regular (or common) angels. Having done this will allow us
to proceed to the next chapter which tells us exactly where Satan
used to fit into this hierarchy before his fall. This will also
dispel a few myths about this angel, such as the notion that he was
previously an archangel, or the third ruler of heaven, or the ruler
of all God's angels. (37 pages)
Chapter 3: Satan: His Position, Power, and Progressive Downfall
To discover what kind of angel Satan was before his fall, and hence
his power relative to other angels, the key passages of Isaiah 14
and Ezekiel 28 are explored. Then important issues about this angel
are discussed, such as his present access to heaven, the nature of
his progressive defeat, his present position and power, his status
at the close of the age, and various remaining questions concerning
his potency against the church. Doing this will dispel another myth
about Satan: the belief that he is a "has-been," a "toothless,
clawless, lion." At the same time, it will also demonstrate that he
is no match for many of God's greatest angels. In this way a
realistic balance can be struck in the way we view Satan. (71 pages)
Chapter 4: Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28: Are They Applicable to Satan?
Surprisingly, most commentaries discount the idea that these two
passages have anything to do with Satan. They base such a stand on
the fact that these texts are not specifically addressed to Satan
himself but are, instead, addressed to human rulers. The passages
are written in the context of Canaanite mythology and actually
employ many of its proper names, phrases, and even some of the
ancient mythological stories. But is it possible that the Biblical
writers of these passages were not only aware of this, but
purposely employed such language in order to convey something
suprahuman, in order to convey the idea that they may ultimately be
speaking of an unseen power? Or are these passages merely about
Canaanite mythology as it might be applied to the human rulers? In
other words, does the idea of a "double application" come into play
here, just as it does in so many other passages concerning other
Biblical figures, such as Judas, Mary, and even Jesus Himself? This
idea is explored. (56 pages)